Okay, gotta get you hyped up.
Wherever you are just like standing and start shaking your head, get pumped up like you are just about to do something crazy, and then read the email.
I just want you to all get pumped up JUST like I was pumped up after this miracle!!!
Background: sad but honest truth, Suen hasnt been to church in a while. I have been more stressed than I have ever been on her part. We have been praying that she will come to church, praying that she will read her sciptures, praying that she will NOT forget the things we have been teaching her. She left for china yesterday, and seh wont be back until September 15th (right after the transfer). So man we have been fasting and praying, and sometimes when we go out streeting, I just do it for her. I am trying to show Heavenly Father that we are working as hard as we can- that way I can put my full trust in Him that He will do what needs to be done. and finally, saturday night. Miracle.
We were trying to find this jolly old ladies house who stopped us as we were running one morning to speak english to us. She told us where she lived so we thought we would try her! Anyways, we were lost amoungst this jungle of houses, and there was no one on the street! Except this one girl. Stevenson shimai stops her (I thought she was going to as for directions) but she starts contacting her! She we talk for a second, turns out she is Suens BEST friend, she was going to see her that night, she is WAY interested in Christ, she wants to take lessons, she gave us her email, address, and made an appointment for august 31st (she is going back to china for two weeks), AND she told us that Suen talks about the church all the time. ps. her name is SHAKINKIN. How perfect is that??? and after our 15 minute conversation, she was gone again. And that is when my FREAK OUT happened haha all of my prayers were answered by a completely RANDOM situation in a completely RANDOM place. I cant explain it exactly, but I was incredibly grateful for Heavenly Fathers love. He knows us perfectly. He loves us perfectly. And He knows just what we need, when we need it, how we need it. I love this.
Visited a member- the husband told us he is leaving the church and he doesnt want us talking directly to him. he is just going to be listening in as we talk to his wife....allllright. Gotcha. Secret Spy dendo is my favorite.
Oh. you know how I have always wanted to be a secret agent? Well that dream is still alive and well. And I realized this the other day (took a little bit longer than it should have) that Heavenly Father sent me on a MISSION!!!! I AM ON A MISSION!!!!! Secret in some ways becuase people dont know why the heck Im here until I tell them....but a MISSION nonetheless. Most important mission in the WORLD. Mind blown. Life complete.
Sad. I relief society they asked what you would say if a complete stranger asked you randomly whether or not you love your husband, or you love your kids. The teacher asked every single person in the class, and then she got to this lady who has no kids, no husband, no brothers or sisters....and she goes -Do you love your cats?- but it was completely serious. made my heart want to cry, and at the same time it was so funny.
ps cats are everywhere here. absolutely everywhere. Dont know if I have expressed that before...
no time!
got a flat tire-bought a new one-alliswell. My bike is dying but it is going to make it!! great adventures...
I love life!!
gotta quote for you all!
--Love your life, poor as it is...the setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich mans abode--
:D I love you all. Read your scriptures. Sing hymns. Satan trembles when he sees even the weakest saint on his knees!
---Lane shimai!!
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