I got lots to tell!
I will start off with a bad English translation on a tshirt. Its definitely quote-worthy.
--Agreeable- the time spent with you of dear is our whereabouts-
yup. That is one of my favorites I have seen.
Too bad I don't remember how to think anymore! Goodness. alright I will start out with YUU CHAN!!!!!!! man I love her. We met with her last night and had a little lesson with her. It was incredible. She said that when she went to america-she wasn't really praying and stuff, but there was one day when she got in trouble (she is an angel, so this in unusual haha) anyways she said she was really upset about it, but she went into her room and she remembered the things we had taught her, and she decided to pray. After her prayer she felt incredible peace. And she says that everything she learns makes her feel so good, and that it is sinking deep in her heart. After our lesson last night I was on cloud 9. SO happy. I felt like such a proud mama haha anyways, she in incredible, and even though it was a really simple experience, it made me realize that every little thing im doing as a missionary really matters. felt SO good. Sometimes it is hard amoungst (I swear there is a word close to this that exists in English I just cant think of it right now( all the rejection and investigators that fall through to realize how much of a difference we are making as missionaries---but! I love the scripture in...somewhere in the bible...where God is telling someone that He will not let any of his words fall to the ground. Every contact we make- every person we talk to- every time we testify- Heavenly Father is there with us, and none of our words are wasted. that is an INCREDIBLE promise to missionaries.
Alright. So I love studying, I love quotes, I love telling everyone in the world everything I learned. But we dont have time for that. SO. I am just going to share a few amazing quotes- let you make your own conclusions. I love these. only I cant find the quote markers. So. just imagine they are there--
-No door is closed to a stubburn scholar-
-Let your self-evaluation be a source of discovery rather than of destructive self-criticism-
-Trials are like giant steps intended to lift you to higher levels of understanding and accomplishment-
-Heavenly Father will not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love-
Anyways. There they are. Most of them are by Richard G. Scott, except the first! I loooove reading talks and conferences and Book of Mormon stories. Cause everyone has such incredible eternal perspective. Makes everything in life happier, lighter, more exciting. I love it. It just boosts me up and energizes me no matter what.
Saw a lot of miracles this week! I will share a short one. We were housing, with no luck. So we decided to pray to know whether we should continue housing, or if we should go streeting. So we prayed, and we both felt like we should street. And Stevenson shimai had a particular street she wanted to go down. So we went!! And met Fujii Yukiko! She is adorable. Just got married, and you can tell. Boy she lit up when I asked her about her husband hahaha it was so cute. And when we asked her name-she did the whole thing where she said her maiden name and then giggled and put her ring left hand to show off her ring haha. it was adorable. Anyways, we talked to her about eternal families, about the Book of Mormon, and she was way interested. We gave her a Book of Mormon, our number, and we are praying she calls us back. After we talked with her we were just like WHAAAAAT that was AWESOME!!!! I love those moments.
Today is transfer calls! I don't know whether I am staying or going, but We will find out in the next few hours if I get to go on 9 months here in Nagasaki- or if I am going somewhere new. I am a little nervous but no matter where I go--I already know that the people are going to be nice, its going to be beautiful, and its going to be exactly where Heavenly Father wants me. Thank goodness kaicho chooses transfer and we don't. That would be a nightmare haha.
Melissa!!!! I love you so much!!! And I am sending you a million hugs right now through the sun and stars!!!! Kimber sent me a picture of you two, and you look incredibly beautiful and happy. I love you!
This Gospel is incredible, and pure, and perfect. It helps bad men become good, and good men better. Sad people become happy, and happy people become happier. weak people to become strong, and strong people to become stronger! I love it. Anybody ever got any worry---dont worry about it! You got your answer right here. dah. I love life, I love my mission, I love Nagasaki, I love my family, I love my Heavenly Father, I love my Savior, I love all of you!! Have an incredible week, filled with lots of aha moments and adventures. Smile lots. Wink at a couple strangers. Spice things up a bit.
Mckenna, Eryn, Haylie, Brittany. Give your gorgeous babies HUGE hugs and kisses from me. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Lane Shimai
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