Sunday, June 1, 2014

You is kind.

Wow! here we meet again!

This whole week was a blur of WONDERFUL! Goodness. um. Just to update you-
SUEN IS PROGRESSING BEAUTIFULLY! Oh my goodness I wish I had time to explain all the miracles we have seen with her this week! He baptism is sheduled for the 15th, but it could potentially be moved up to the 8th! eeeeYIKES im so excited for her! She came to a baptism of a little girl in our branch yesterday, and she was just grinning from ear to ear. She kept saying "so this is what I am going to do? This is whats going to happen?" Suen is a gem. The difference between her when we first met her, and her now is phenomenal. It is amazing. She is always smiling. She is so happy, and she talks about how she is so happy and she feels so much peace. We are so lucky we got to teach her- she had never known about Jesus Christ, or that we have a Loving Heavenly Father. She has so much hope in her eyes and it is AMAZING. I will hold onto her memory forever and ever. You will all meet her someday.

Aiko Aiko Aiko! There have been some crazy things happen with her situation, but. Our lesson yesterday was the real teller. She wants to be baptized. She loves this Gospel, she loves this church. She knows that is it true. Please pray for her that she will have strength to do everything she needs to do! She is going to be baptized on the 21st, and we fully expect it to happen on that day! She is precious! And we want this for her whole family! We are praying that her Fiancee with listen to the lessons. The only problem is that he lives an hour away, and she never sees him. But GOSH they would be the perfect little family. I love her so much. She is such a good momma. So strong. Anyways, Aiko is amazing. And she has such a strong testimony.

Explaining Kitagawa. Well.
Here it a nutshell. She calls Tuesday- I give her 3 nephi 11 to read and tell her to call us back when she has read it. Then I ask her if she knows the  Book of Mormon is true-yes. Do you know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?-yes. Do you know that this church is true?- yes. . . so. we end the conversation. She calls us on Wednesday, and told us she had a dream that Joseph Smith was getting mad at her for not being baptized when she knew that all of this was true. So she told us she wants to be baptized, but in order to be baptized she needs to learn more. OH MY GOSH we FREAKED out. We were so excited. So. We call her the next day, try to set a baptismal date, and she laughs at us and tells us she will talk to us when we see her. Set up an appointment. She doesn't show up at the appointment. Then she tells us to come to her house. We go to her house. and step into HELL. No joke. My poor baby was so scared. She has alcohol all over her house, cigarette ashes everywhere, packs of cigarettes just laying was a nightmare. But we were like alight....we can work with this! We start talking and invite her daughter in- but man. Kitagawa was NOT there to talk about Christ. It went really poorly, and she was getting very angry. She takes out a cigarette and starts to light it up---that was the last straw. I told her we were not here to argue with her, and that we know that these things are true, and we know that they will bless her life. We talked about her dream, and she said she had thought about it more, and since she had been baptized once into the catholic church, she didn't need to be baptized again...(don't worry, we have explained the priesthood and the restoration about ten times, and yes we explained it again). She was not getting it. We told her we had to go. So we said a prayer- and left---never to return.

My poor companion haha we leave her apartment and she was like "I feel really bad inside" hahaha aww baby. Anways, Kitagawa`s mind is far gone. And we dont exactly think that she is very interested at the present time...

in other news- we had junkais this week and they were GREAT! Found a new investigator, met with her again on the street, and she set a baptismal date for July 12th and then came to church!!!!!!!!! HUGE MIRACLE OR WHAT?!?!? Nagasaki is the coolest!

I love you all so much!
I wish I could share even half the miracles that happen everyweek....

Here are a couple quotes from yesterdays study!

"Imagine what is would mean to you if you could see yourself as God sees you. What if you could look at yourself with the same benevolence, love, and confidence that God does? Imagine the impact it would have on your life to understand your eternal potential as God understands it"

"If it were possible for you to receive a letter from our premortal life, what would it say?"

"If things dont turn out the way you had hoped or expected after you have done all in your power, Be ready to accept the will of your Heavenly Father. He will not inflict upon us anything that is not ultimately for our good"

"Happiness depends more on the principles you follow than on the external circumstances of your life"

"His purpose is our eternal happiness"

DAH! I forgot the one I really wanted to share. Look it up! It is by Elder Scott, and its about prayer. It says that if you get a no answer to a prayer- it is to prevent error. If you get a yes- it is to give you confidence. If He withholds an answer.....(basically) He trusts you to follow the principles that He knows you know. Anyways, its amazing

Heavenly Father loves you!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPENCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love you to the moon and beyond!!! :))))))))))))))) I shall send you an imaginary Samuri sword. and some imaginary sushi. I love you so much!

Have an amazing week!!

Lane Shimai

ps pray for Aiko and Suen specifically please! :)

carrying Nihei shimais bike because we lost the key!

City of Angels

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