I dont have all that much time. Also, I have this problem, where I always want to use japanese words in my emails but I dont know how to spell them, I only know how to say them...so. I will just be spelling things wrong left and right, hope that is all daijyobu witchu!
Flake Shimai and I have been learning sign language from the old ladies in the ward. Its fabulous. So we are so excited about the fact that we know a little JSL right? So we are contacting people on the street and I start talking to this old lady, but shes all `sorry, I dont have very good ears` so I get WAY excited and Im all like No no!! Thats all daijyobu! I know JSL! So I start signing to her....after a couple of her confused looks I realized that not EVERYONE who doesnt hear well knows sign language. Some people are simply old. Good thing to learn haha
Also- you should all like google Tsuchida Fufu-Fukuoka Temple President
they are the old temple presidents, and she is just the cutest lady you ever did see. I sent a picture a little while ago of her and her husband sitting at their table, but she is just the sassiest cutest thing in the world. She teaches us sign language that looks a lot more like legit gang signs. man I love her.
Today is transfer calls and we should be getting them anytime now! so we shall see by the end of this email if that happens!
next item of weekly email business--
Everyone should read The Power of Everday Missionaries. Honbu liked it so much that our mission has a copy in every apartment, and it is amazing. Im serious about this one (even though I am always serious about my reading recommendations...) but yeah, please read it! It is a fast read, super enjoyable, and it will change your life!
One of the funniest moments this week happened at church, and I just need to share it. This sassy old lady who loves drama (they are the best) came up to us and asked us if we had eaten lunch. We hadnt...and she goes (in english) "do you like tiny noodles?" sister flake was like uhhhh...um yes? and so the lady starts walking and goes- "I`ll be in the primary room" and walks away hahaha it was so funny. So we go meet her in the primary room to eat the tiny noodles, and she is squating on this tiny little sunbeam chair. it was so funny. I dont know why haha
ps I love this ward- the more I get to know the members. And I love Fukuoka more and more the longer I am here!
Oh!!! Terrifying moment of the week. So we had a lesson with one of our new investigators this past week with the APs, which was terrifying enough. And then we were going to have another lesson with them (they are both going home next transfer, so they are trying to make a smooth transition with this lady handing her off to us) and so they were like "acutally we are going on splits with the mission president, so we can just have the lesson at their house."....turns out that night- we talked with her and the APs together, and then we had a lesson with her, President, and his wife....it was terrifying. not gonna lie, he looks like George Bush and he scares me to death sometimes, but he is a sweetheart!
Wow this was a lameish letter. Its all good. Sorry! Havent gotten transfer calls yet. pretty darn sure I am staying in Fukuoka with Flake Shimai though :)))))
I am going to share part of my personal study notes with you all before I go--
So I have been thinking about weaknesses. Just in general. and I realized that weaknesses dont limit us, but they help us rely on the savior- rely on things other than ourselves. Everyone is different so everyones weaknesses are different. Some peoples are more obvious than others. But--- we need to learn to recognize weaknesses and work on them- not let them become stumbling blocks. They are like hills we have to run up but once we are at the top its so much nicer!! Sorry that sounded really cheesy. but its exactly how I visulaize it! Also- when we recognize our weaknesses, or something compels us to recognize them, they are like signs from God being like "there you go! you're ready to improve and work on this! Here is what I want you to work on now!" kinda thing. I dont know, I dont even know if I make sense but it does in my mind haha. I just know for certain that Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, and so everything He does is so that we can find the most lasting happiness.
ps before I go--- WELCOME HOME SPENCER!!!! I saw the pictures of you and kaiden Mom sent me, and they just made me so happy I cried. I love you so much! have fun with your perfect little family!!!
I love you all so much! I am praying for Kaiden, Owen, and Brittany`s soon to be little girl!!!
My family is the greatest! I love you all the the moon and back! Have a great adventurful week!
Love always and always,
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