Sooooooo writing emails is like running a race. Right before I log onto the computer, I'm freaking out. Absolutely freaking out. I guess that only people who would know exactly what I'm talking about are the people that have run races with me before. Mostly, I get to the computer, I think about what I'm about to do, and then I need to go pee. Then I get to wondering if I should pee before I start my email, or power through it. Today I chose to power through it. Also my spelling isn't the best, but I'm not apologizing, because i'm not necessarily sorry about it. It'll come back to me someday. So far I think i'm okay. So Mom--don't fix any of the spelling mistakes that may occur, makes it authentic ;)
Soooo I made up a couple of the email addresses I sent this too. Hope it gets to the people I want it to get ot hahahaha if not. Well, it is what it is.
Again- my email is going to be jumbled beyond belief, so think of it as you (the reader, whoever you might be) walki----nevermind. I don't know where I was going with that.
I'll just start!
Best story ever- There is a three haired lady, she wakes up and looks in the mirror and says 'hmm...I think i'll braid my hair today'. The next day it's two, and she says "I think I may just part it down the middle!", day three- "ponytail, all the way!", day four---no more hair. Her response- "I don't have to do my hair today!". Anyways. I was better when the old lady at the devotional taught it. I think I feel in love with her. In a nonromantic way. Her name is Mary Edmunds. She's reeaaaaal spunky. There's tons of people I know that would love her. Namely--Mom! haha. Anyways. Moral of the story-be positive. Also- something i've realized more and more, is that Heavenly Father knows you--He gives you the people you need, when you need them, etc. The situations, the trails, the funniness, etc. He knows you. So don't complain! Everything happens for a reason, so you just gotta learn why you were given a specific situation, and then learn alllll you can from it. Just a thought. But it's a happy thought! A short way to remember that is 'don't worry about it'. That's what I say to myself all the time. between every japanese sentence spoken. Don't worry about it...someday i'll actually know how to say that in japanese. That might be tonight's goal.
Sunday's and Tuesdays are the very very best days at the mtc. They are devotional days, and choir days! They're the BEST! In a while (I have no way to measure time anymore,...) but in a while we're going to marriot center to sing for the new mission presidents coming in. Should be AMAZING! and then in a nother length of 'while' we're singing somewhere else or doing something else. Should be great! Oh, speaking of music---everyone should read the beginning of the Hymn Book- the first presidency preface. Never read it before this week, and it's wonderful. Supa-da-she (I don't know how to spell it in hapanese, but that's the japanese word for wonderufl!...I use it in almost every sentence I speak).
So. I have already told some of you. But I need to tell the world. I've met the Incredible-----not hulk. But BATMAN! My companion and I were just minding out own business, trying to study japanese in every moment possible, right? So we walk down this long hallway, and open a door. There are two elders there at two of the computer, they don't look at us, be don't look at them. Coles shimai and I were just talking...throwing a few japanese words in cause we're supadashe like that, and one of the elders is like "....Tokyo". us-"excuse me?" him "you're going to tokyo. I can just tell". First of all, he hasn't even looked at us. Anyways, he goes on about how we're obviously new because we're happy, and then continued to give all of his ingenious reasons why and how he knows we're going to tokyo. Anyways, then it happened. The other spoke. HE SPOKE! I thought he was JOKING! This ity bity red-head, opens his mouth, and out comes the power of batman. I couldn't contain myself. I was silently crying to the computer. Then he continued to talk to his presumptuous companion. I couldn't stop. Coles shimai finally saw me crying my eyes out, and we had to leave. Needless to say, that was one of the best moment of my life. Speaking of being starstruck----
uuuuuuuuuuuu anybody watch the missionary video's called 'The District 2'? umm...ummm... Elder Christensen. The blond one. He's here. HE'S TEACHING here. Well, he's doing something here. One of the first nights here he was in charge of my little group. I saw him. I knew who he was, I was starstuck. I also saw him from across the cafeteria, eating. I met him. I shook his hand. He's like one of the biggest stars in the world. Well... I supposed I shouldn't say in the world. I guess in my little missionary world. Nobody thinks it's that cool, they're all playing it off like 'whatever'. But I'm not quite cool enough to do that. I would call these moments when I see him, a kimber or emma moment. I react probably exactly the way they would.
The japanese people are the coolest. guess what song they have in their church hymnbook? It's called "oh, I had such a pretty dream mama". And NO I didn't translate it wrong. It has the english right under the hiragana characters. Anyways, somebody learn how to sing that song, record it, and then send it to me so I can listen to it every day of my life. Please. Speaking of music, this past week they started something new! Exercise classes for sisters only! yoga, pilates, kickboxing, all the super cools stuff right. Oh wait...did I mention ZUMBA! It's rumored that they do zumba once a week to (and I quote) "Upbeat hymns". Yes, upbeat hymns. I'm not much of a get-up-at-6-and-go-kick-a-box kinda person, but that? that will get me out of bed. I just need to research when that is.
Another supadashe moment---this girl in my district (williams shimai) has scriptures. that's great right? we should al have scriptures. But this week I found out more about said scriptures. She got them from like the messed up part of the Deseret Book Store right? the little shelf island where they put all the misfit toys (scriptures). anyways, her scriptures are engraven with "Benjawin Swamuel Swith". I don't know if I laughed at anything harder all week. Besides batman. they probably tied.
So i've been sick, and the only weird thing that's happened to me is my dreams. they are so weird!!! And I wake up all disoriented. the other night I woke up, thought I was at home, and then I was like "hmmm maybe i'm dreaming about being in the mtc"....noooo no see I was actually IN the mtc. Anyways, funny nights. Nights where I feel like I've aged 60 years, and when I wake up I'll be an old lady. I can't describe it, but I think Heavenly Father is entertaining me so that I can have a productive, entertaining day.
Sooo have a ever mentioned we have DINNER at 4:10? it's wonderful. but I'm also desperately hungry when I get back to my room at 9:30 because well, I like to eat! So yesterday, I singlehandedly ate an entire kingsized symphony bar without realizing it, in about 7 minutes. I was pretty proud.
OH! I SAW McKenna and Nathan at the temple today!!! It made me SO HAPPY! And they brought be SEES CHOCOLATE!!! Best day EVER!!!!! (I just gotta hide it from everyone else, because these...these I'm not sharing...) hope that's not to selfish. But I think about it and I'm like "hhmmm maybe I should share." and then I look up at the sky and I get the impression " heather you don't have to share". I share all other chocolate. Just not this.
Soooo Watanabe San and Hitome are our investigators right now. (yes bennett, I found myself some more imaginary friends). Watanabe san asked us if his earthly father was God. There are some language barriers you see, and I don't know exactly if he ever found out the answer. I drew him nice pictures though. So maybe? It's like this sister in my district says-- "if you recognize a word, just testify about it". So there you go. I know how to pray, and I know how to testify. So testify I do. Do I know what I testify of? not all the time....but the lessons are actually really really really good. They're my favorite.
Another reason why the japanese are hilarious--- i'll shortly explain this. ummm their english words they adapt? I'll share an example. Daily Planner in Japanese is 'deiri purana'. One of my favorite things to say. I thank heavenly father for my deiri purana in almost every prayer.
Isaiah 55:12---my gift for the day of entertainment. Read it, and then draw a picture. I'm going to hang my picture up next to my desk. It's inspiring really. All I can think about when I read is it Elf--the scene where he's traveling to New York and all the woodland characters are like 'hey buddy!' and then mix that with the scene in one of the spidermans where he's walking and smiling to the song 'raindrops keep falling on my head'. Anyways. thats my last thought because my time is up! I NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SEND PICTZUERS!!!!!
Lane Shimai... :)
Love these letters!! So entertaining. Between the supadashe batman story and all her hysterical insights. This is going to be my favorite blog :-) (well... next to Kate's ;-)