First off- I gotta say...little Kaiden is SO CUTE!!!!! ALL I WANT TO DO IS HOLD HIM! Goodness. He is adorable.
Oh I gotta joke for everyone. So Roberts Shimai and I were in a rush to get somewhere, and so I was like "we`ll be rushin` on the way there..." and then I realized what that sounded like and said- "and japanese on the way back!" hahahaha thought I was so funny. Get it?- Russian? Anyways....I dont know where I inherited this corny sense of humor from, but it keeps me going hahaha
Also--- Congratulations for Katie!! Mexico!!! That is AWESOME!!!! She is gonna be great.
So, we are encouraged to follow promptings that we receive right? Which people to talk to, what to say, where to go, etc. So I have been trying to be better at that. And BOY have I found the blessings from it. I spied this little old lady walking down this old dark ally and you best believe we went after her! She talked to us for about a straight ten minutes, smiling like crazy and laughing after every one of her sentences. All I got out of it was that whenever we are hungry, she wants us to come to her old creepy door and yell "OBACHAN! (grandma) GOHAN TABETAI (I want to eat food)" and she said she would reply "TABENASAI"--(the command form of eat) hahaha anyways, she said that about a million times, and she was just the smiliest little thing. If you wondering what the tone/mood of this whole encounter was- thing Harry Potter- the scene they have in the movie where they go into that house finding that lady and then they find out that the lady is actually dead, and has been for some time. I don't know why it reminded me of that, but it was a creepy little place, she was extremely happy, and the whole thing was just pretty fun. You best believe we are gonna be calling on her!!
So- we got a new official investigator this week! I cant describe to you how sweet she is, but just imagine the cutest little sunflower or something and convert that into a person. She is awesome. And we love her so much. She should be in some of our pictures! So we met up with her, and we were going to officially ask her if she wanted to be an investigator- because up until then, we had been inviting her places with the missionaries, and talking to her about things but yeah. So we asked her if she wanted us to teach her about Christ, and teach her about what we believe, and she said yes!!!!! HURRA!!!! And then we asked her if she was going to come to church on sunday, and she goes "mmm uh yes. But please dont tell anyone!" and so we asked her why- and she goes "I just dont think I can be a missionary!".... hahahaha she is so sweet. We dont know if she mixed up missionary with member- because when she said that she was speaking english. but either way. It makes sense- because she has only really been around the missionaries. But even if she meant member, she thought that you had to be a member to come to church. It was so sweet hahaha and she was so relieved afterwards haha. She LOVES church, and she loves all the people. I am confident that no matter what happens, she will be coming to the mormon church every sunday for the rest of her life hahaha WE LOVE YUKARI! Some of the things she says in english are hilarious. Some of them I cant repeat. But basically, she is the best. So that is Yukari!
So I was looking back at my notes I took in the MTC, and man there were a lot of good speakers that came! One scripture that was talked about- was Hebrews 12:1 "Let us run with the patience the race that is set before us" :) I love that. Reading different stories in the Book of Mormon- especially near the end of it- just reminds me that Heavenly Father causes or allows all things that happen to happen. The purpose of us being here on earth and not in Heaven is to have experiences here on earth that will teach us and help us grow! So- who is the teacher? Heavenly Father! And He is the very best teacher. He knows exactly how to teach each of us. Sometimes, the only way that we can learn something is the hard way. Sometimes, even when we are doing things right- bad things happen. I feel like that happens for 1 of 3 reasons. 1)-we have hardened ourselves to the point where the only way to learn is the hard way, 2) we are doing what we can but Heavenly Father knows we can be purified through these difficult experiences, or 3) to be an example to others. I know that I have been strengthened by other people going through hard things, and I have grown even though I wasn't the one directly going through the trial. When we suffer with patience things that happen to us or around us, we are collecting treasures in Heaven :) We dont need to be scared, because our Heavenly Father is in control of all things! We just need to "be still, and know that {He} is".
A couple other thoughts-- Patience in the Lord is Faith in the Lord (Luke 21:). and Romans 5:3 says "we glory in tribulation also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience" so next time you open the back of your car and the eggs, milk, and chocolate cake fall onto the driveway- just smile and say Yay!!! Another opportunity for me to exercise patience!! hahaha
Anyways, those are my thoughts for the week! Today for p-day we are going to this underground place we discovered last week---it is the coolest. maybe I will take pictures. Guess what is under there besides a whole City of Embers kinda world? KRISPY KREME!!
I shall send some pictures momentarily :) It was sister Andacas birthday this week, and we had a PARTY! I made a lovely monster cake in the scone cooker. We still dont have a stove, but we got this awesome rice cooker and waffle iron thing that we can cook ANYTHING in!!! I will prove it in the pictures.
Tower of tim tams for tim tam slams--and the cake!!! |
Well, have a great week! And a delicious one! Anyone done a tim tam slam before? They are the coolest. I want to try it with kit kats though.
HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Smile lots and do something fun somewhere beautiful, because it is the beginning of the best season of all!!
Love you all :)
-Lane Shimai
my first note I wrote to someone in characters!! Its all in hiragana pretty much...but still! I was way way excited! |
When we went to a members house for dinner :) |