Oh Japan. Will I ever fit in? Nope! Never ever. It is pretty much the best place I could have gone. Because I stick out like a SORE THUMB. Or just like a strawberry in the middle of a whole bunch a blueberries. That is probably a more accurate analogy. Alrighty. Which brings me to my next point. MCKENNA MILLER!!!! I have not heard any of your stories until I met your COUSIN a few days ago!! I totally forgot his name, but then he came up and told me the story you sent last week or something of how a drunk guy LICKED your arm...twice?!?!? Hahahahahahahaha oh my goodness that was so good to hear hahaha. Made my day. But yeah! Awesome awesome. I hope the Millers are doing well!!! Love them so much :) and if there is a way I could be forwarded McKennas emails that would be awesome. I have no doubt that she has crazy things happen to her all the time hahahaha
So this week I have been having this same desire. Actually, the whole few months ive been on my mission ive had this desire haha. I dont know if anyone even remembers this but me, but when I went boating with the Lonas family, and we couldnt get back to the dock,.. we had to call them and have them tow us back? hahahahaha Im sorry if that brings up any sore wounds that have not yet healed. But anyways, moral of the story is that Sister Lonas decided that the best thing to do in that situation would be to pretend like she was both deaf and blind. Save us from further embarassment. Hahahahaha so. I have been SO TEMPTED to sometimes just pretend like I am deaf and therefore just smile, or pretend like Im blind (they take really good care of the blind in their community, ill have to talk about that to) but anyways, i have been fighting that desire but boooy is it tempting. And I just felt like I needed to share. I shall let you know when I have a day where I just need to give in. Anyways, thanks sister lonas for that memory. See, instead of needing to do that myself, I just think of the memory, laugh, and then all is well haha.
Shes the cutest little old(er) lady, and she is just a little doll. Cutest little thing you ever did see. I shall have to send pictures. There are a lot of things I could tell you about Emiko, but basically we started teaching her because she was interested in english...and then we kinda made her listen to the lessons. Good, right? Anyways, so she has been listening, and loving it, and she says it all makes sense. I was a little worried about her, but this past week has been awesome. I have learned more about her. But what I want to share most is this---she bore her testimony at her baptism, and something she said that just broke my heart is this. She said her whole like she has felt like she needed to be reserved, and just do things for people. She said she felt a little like a rock. Just there. No emotions or anything needed. And then she said that as shes come to realize how much heavenly father loves her, and how he wants her to be happy, her world has opened up. She "doesnt have to look at the ground anymore" she can look up!! The members have been angels, (this ward is amazing) and she has felt so so much love. Everytime we see her she is amazingly happy, and so confident. I love her to death. She speaks a little english, and so now on the phone to us she says "I love you". I almost cried with joy hahaha
Oh! But there is something pretty funny. I just gotta share it. So we believe in total emersion at baptism right? So, when we were practicing with Emiko she freaked out a little bit and said she couldnt swim haha. We assure her she wouldnt have to, and that she would only be under the water for a few seconds. SO. There is this elder in the ward who is about to leave on his mission. Never baptized anyone before. So they felt like it was a good idea for him to be the one to do it. Well, baptism came, and he said the words, and then he tried to dunk her under except her hair came up. So they had to do it again. So they did, only her hair still came up, so instead of doing it a third time...he literally held her under there and pushed her hair down....when she came back up she took a huge gasp of air. I felt like a worried Mom. I went to the bathroom to see if she was alright, and there she was...smiling like crazy and she just told me in her broken english that at first she was scared, but then she wasnt scared, and now she just feels so happy :)))) In church the next day everyone was so nice, I really truly felt like I had sent my first child off to school and it actually went well! Everyone was nice. I am SO grateful for those people who are so nice to my baby!!
So, I have been trying out this whole `japanese` thing right? I say konnichiwa to everyone we pass. Sometimes their responses are funny, sometimes they are really sweet, and then a lot of the time I just get weirded out stares. But this week I said konnichiwa to this lady, smiled...she glares at me, doesnt say a word, and just starts laughing. I must be pretty funny here hahahaha
oh!! The old ladies are so mean!!!!! (not all of them, that was a generalization) but there was this little sassy old lady who I tried to talk to, and she just looked me up and down, made a pouty face, and then waved her hand in my face as she looked away. My companions were on the other side of the street, just laughing hahaha. It was pretty funny, But after I got laughed at and ignored about 5 thousand times, this huge group of school girls runs up to us and BEGS us for a picture hahahaha it was so funny. I was so relived I had them take one with my camera too...and heck! Im embracing the culture. Peace sign it is. They just kept giggling, fanning us (it was really hot) and saying `so beautiful so beautiful`. I get pampered here haha you dont even know. Its pretty awesome.
OH!!!! I got two little babies!!! One of them is a bike, and the other is my electronic dictionary. They do not yet have names, but I shall let the world know when I sign their birth certificates.
Guess who is going to be dancing at a festival this week in a kimono. I will be sure to update.
But about that. So Emiko kidnapped us and took us to this little place. In we walked, and we were welcomed by the most graceful, short, old ladies you ever did see. In kimonos and all. I will not express and I cannot express my joy when they started dancing. They have this little fiery sass you know their just holding back behind their eyebrows. They danced (and sang) to a love song, and then a dance that was supposed to be danced by a man. Boy was that funny. They are just the cutest little things. I wish I could have filmed it. Pray that i will be able to get pictures of it this week!
My companions are awesome. And they are such an example when it comes to food. We went to a members house for dinner, and she made homeade tofu!!!!! Can you believe it??? Homeade tofu! My favorite!!! (only not really). So when she went into the kitchen, I just look at my trainer and I whispered (please) and she takes my tofu and stuffs it in her mouth without complaint. She is an angel. She also drank my mugicha (this tea that EVERYONE drinks, and we are allowed to have it). The best descriptions i have heard from the other missionaries is that is tastes like a liquified ash tray. Or like burnt water. I drank a whole glass once, and I couldnt get the frown off my face our out of my eyebrows. Maybe thats why some of the old ladies are sassy, Poor things...never got used to mugicha.
Tofu actually is pretty good. Once you get past the texture, its awesome cause you just cover it in something and it will be delicious. And chopsticks are pretty awesome. Also, they have the best bakeries here. Well, i have only been to one. But its good. Who woulda thunk? I love food! And I love the food here! Their eggs are different colors. They're orange!!!!! Oh, and i am keeping a recipe book, so when I get home you best believe im going to be making japanese food like crazy. Did I mention we have no oven? And our microwaves ovenish feature doesnt work. So no cookies. Oh, by the way, it costs about a million bucks to send things here, so everytime you are tempted to make me cookies...write a dash mark. And keep tally....i will be expecting ALL of those cookies when I get home.
For all of you dollar store lovers out there. You havent lived until you have been to the 100yen store. Its absolutely amazing.
Also, Alma chapter 26 has helped me a lot this week, and I highly recommend it to everyone. My mind has been running wild with a billion book of mormon projects, so instead of bottling them up and only being able to work on them little by little, i will share them! Then if anyone actually does it, let me know how it goes! (this is just what I have so far)...and If anyone thinks of any, PLEASE send them to me. This is my new favorite thing. This is all I want to do haha
1-Read Alma 4 and 5; study it to figure ouit the pattern for bearing pure testimony
2-Write down all the attributes that made moroni great (and the corresponding scriptures). Stive to adapt those attributes/ recognize the ones you have and ones that need to be strengthened
3-Read Alma 17 with the intent of learning how to be a missionary/ adjust to missionary life (or adapt it to whatever role you want)
4-Go through stories in the Book of Mormon; record all together the conversion stories
5-Write down the repentance paths people or groups of people took. (Their `sins`, their journey, their emotions, and their new life)
6-Make a list of all the good missionary scriptures
but yeah. I hope everyone is doing so well! I love you all so much, and pray like crazy for you all! Remember that Satan "labors to make the sons and daughters of God confused and unhappy abd to hinder their eternal progression". Keep moving forward, "let questions arise and never doubts", and always be believing in Christ. If you feel stuck or stagnant, just keeping looking for ways to serve those around you, and you will be lifted up! Never ever ever doubt your worth in the eyes of Heavenly Father, no matter what the past was like! If you let things limit you, you are only letting the adversary get to you. Dont ever sell yourself short. Dream, and then work hard for the dreams and goals. Always love and respect yourself, and love heavenly father and Jesus Christ enough to love and serve those around you. Life is a gift! And its is such a happy thing! Be like Emiko! (and president monson...) just look up!!! It is quite possible to love yourself without being prideful. So make sure you do. Maybe read the Book of Mormon and pray with the intent to love yourself more and realize/ recognize your divine potential. DONT let anything limit you. Make a list of thought you have or things that you do that limit you, and then make them go away!
JUST BE HAPPY. The only way to be truly happy is by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. So study it! I promise it will bring you the greatest joy, and a lasting joy.
have a great week! chin up! Do something out of the ordinary.
LOVE YOU ALL! Tell me all your stories and your news.
Lane shimai
Here's more pictures Heather sent with her letter this week: